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Rachel Stull, originally from California, struggled with a drug addiction that took her career, her children, and her marriage until she surrendered her life to our loving Lord and Savior.  Prior to giving her life to the Lord she had no hope.  Rachel sought help in every place she could but was never able to get free from the torment that haunted her. Rachel was in a very dark place and attempted to take her life when thankfully the Lord stepped in and breathed life back into her soul. Rachel decided to enter New Life for Girls in 2009 and it was there her life radically changed!  It was not an easy road and there were many days she wanted to give up, BUT the Lord continued to pursue her, and her life has never been the same!  

She found her life the day she laid it down in surrender to our loving Father!  Today Rachel testifies that she could not see living a life without Jesus, and because of His Grace and Mercy, she has been set free from the bondage that once labeled her a nobody. Because of His love she can love those that come from similar backgrounds. Everything the enemy intended for her harm; the Lord is now using for His glory!  Rachel is honored to serve our Lord and Savior, and to be used by Him to set the captives free.  She is an ordained pastor under the Harvest Network and has been serving as the Director of New Life Center for Mothers and Children for thirteen years.  Zechariah 2:5: “For I declares the Lord, will be a wall of fire around her protecting her from enemies, and I will be the glory in her midst.”


Teri Sheffer, originally from Hanover, PA, struggled with love and acceptance her whole life. At a young age she was abused by someone she trusted, and this left her confused and very deeply wounded.  As a result of these wounds, she built walls that nobody would ever be able to penetrate, leaving her with feelings of abandonment, and developing deep roots of rejection.  Her pain led her through many years of drug abuse, and self-sabotage, eventually landing her in prison.  Teri burned every bridge that was ever a support to her, and she had no one left to turn to. She found herself in a prison cell calling out to the Lord to rescue her from this desolate place.  Teri’s addiction tore her family apart and took her to a place she never thought she would be.

It was in that jail cell where she decided to surrender and ask for help.  Someone from New Life for Girls  came into the prison to share the Gospel and her life was never the same.  She entered New Life in 2013 and transitioned to New Life Center for Mothers and Children in 2015.  Teri became a staff member shortly after residing at the Childrens Center, and felt called to join the Director as the Assistant Director five years ago.  The transformation that the Lord has done has been nothing short of a miracle, and Teri is passionate about seeing other families walk in victory with the Lord.   There is no better educator than experience, and what better way to teach the women we interact with, then with our own life experience! The Lord truly turned Teri’s test into a testimony! 

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” Galatians 2:20.


Terri Lloyd is originally from Fresno, CA. She was raised by an alcoholic mother who exposed her to things no little girl should see or experience. She was violated from infancy until her teenage years by someone who was supposed to love, nurture, and protect her. As a result she never learned how to speak up or express herself and eventually just numbed her pain away. Terri began to lead a life of promiscuity and was a full-blown alcoholic/drug addict for eighteen years. During her last incarceration in 1999 she had an encounter with Jesus Christ and she has never looked back! Terri graduated NLFG in 2002 and has faithfully served the ministry ever since. Terri came on as staff at NLFMC in 2013 and has been a steadfast presence in the lives of all who enter our doors! 


Asia Plummar was born in Watertown, New York on a military base. She grew up in a strict church attending household. She experienced abuse and once her parents divorced began to involve herself with substance abuse and abusive relationships from partners to friends. She was blessed with her first born son in 2014 but because of her brokenness had legal issues and lost custody of him. She then became pregnant with her daughter in 2021 and her legal issues caused her to be incarcerated. She was due to give birth in 3 months and sentenced to 6 months. In that jail cell is where God went from a deity to her Yahweh. Yahweh met her in that jail cell and she vowed to Him her life was no longer her own but His. By His grace alone the judge allowed her to be released on her daughter’s due date to New Life for Girls. She birthed her 5 days after arriving. While at New Life she has learned who she is in Christ Jesus. She has regained custody of her son and is no longer in the legal system. She attends college with a major in psychology. Her steps are ordered by the Lord and He allows her to minister to women at New Life for Mother's and Children Center. “What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him?” (Psalm 8:4 NKV)


Growing up my life was chaotic. My parents split before I was born, so I never got to experience a “normal” family life.  My father was super strict, and my mother was an alcoholic. Because of my mother’s addiction we bounced around from house to house and boyfriend to boyfriend. As a result, the relationship with my father drastically changed, and we stopped talking when I was 15. I didn’t know how to cope with my emotions, and somewhere in the mix I went from being the golden child that my family couldn’t stop raving about, to the undercover drug addict, violent, heartbroken blinded little girl. My mom lost custody of me from 2015-2017, and things went from bad to worse. Looking back, I can say it is truly a miracle that I am still alive! The Lord placed people in my life to show me true love, His love, and my life has never been the same! Jehovah Rapha not only healed me mentally, but on multiple occasions He came through and healed me physically. He delivered my mom from years of alcoholism after I prayed EVERYDAY for her to be freed from her addiction. I recently married my high school sweetheart, and I am so excited to see what our future holds. I know it is only because of His grace that I am here today, and I want to serve Him all the days of my life. 


Growing up my life was chaotic. My parents split before I was born, so I never got to experience a “normal” family life.  My father was super strict, and my mother was an alcoholic. Because of my mother’s addiction we bounced around from house to house and boyfriend to boyfriend. As a result, the relationship with my father drastically changed, and we stopped talking when I was 15. I didn’t know how to cope with my emotions, and somewhere in the mix I went from being the golden child that my family couldn’t stop raving about, to the undercover drug addict, violent, heartbroken blinded little girl. My mom lost custody of me from 2015-2017, and things went from bad to worse. Looking back, I can say it is truly a miracle that I am still alive! The Lord placed people in my life to show me true love, His love, and my life has never been the same! Jehovah Rapha not only healed me mentally, but on multiple occasions He came through and healed me physically. He delivered my mom from years of alcoholism after I prayed EVERYDAY for her to be freed from her addiction. I recently married my high school sweetheart, and I am so excited to see what our future holds. I know it is only because of His grace that I am here today, and I want to serve Him all the days of my life. 

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